Photo courtesy of the Hertz family: Burke, VT
A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon an article on Beervana titled The Greatest Beverage in the World: Hot Scotchy (Hot Scotchie). The author, Jeff Alworth, explained in simple english that the Hot Scotchie is "...objectively, the finest beverage known to man". Good enough for me- I wanted one, right away. I soon learned that it's a difficult drink to come buy: it's a cocktail that is made by drawing off a bit of Mash during the beer brewing process and adding your favorite scotch (good with a touch of cream, too). This leaves two options: Homebrew or convince your local brewer to invite you down to have a hot scotchie the next time they're brewing. A hot drink, scotch, a warm fire... that's my idea of a good holiday season. Enjoy!